We are reviving the dormant Youth against Cancer group of Aadhar. The group comprises young professionals and students who want to actively do some social activity. Though most of the older group has since moved on, Anindita , Ankit, Saurabh , Akshay and Neha are hopefully still available and ready to join us again. The other youngsters in the group will be Chandrasekhar, Joanne, Aparajita and Soumyashree. They have lots of ideas and are raring to go.
We have decided to host a party for children undergoing treatment with the help of Aadhar. It is slated to be on 13th Feb. and will be at A 4/25 PAschim Vihar. We are planning to have a puppet
show and wall painting activity with these kids. There will also be a lot of fun and games. All food will be home-made and brought by the volunteers.
We are planning different activities every three months and hope all will go as planned.
Here is All the Best to YAC.