Friday, April 8, 2011

This post is to acknowledge the advice and know how I received from Dr Prashant Kashyap who actually started the blog for me. I had no idea what a blog was all about.He showed me how to work it and all the photos and the slide show that is already uploaded is all thanks to him.Thanks Prashant.
Along the way so many people have touched my life and Aadhar and helped in bringing us to the place where we stand today.
And any acknowledgement would be totally incomplete without a special thanks to Radhika and Pradeep Agarwal who believed in me and what I wanted to do simply because I voiced my wish to them. If Radhika had not pushed me along probably this would have remained just that....a dream!!
Thank you God for standing by me in the form of my family and friends.. The Aadhar family is growing slowly and steadily as people are joining in. This is going to be a movement through which we stand by each other in times of distress. Not only by those we know and care for but also by those whom we don' t know and have not even met. To be able to lighten someones burden gives unparalleled happiness. Believe me ! The feeling cannot be described. You can sleep soundly feeling that someone somewhere is feeling a little better because of your action.
Thanks also to all the youngsters who have helped me so much and are going to be the future of this whole endeavor.
Long live Aadhar.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Finally FCRA approved.

The good news is that Aadhar has now got FCRA approval. This means we can start accepting donations from abroad directly. So many people staying abroad used to ask if they can donate and I had to tell them it could only be done in Indian rs . Now hopefully we will get more support.
As this financial year ends we found that this year Aadhar has raised and spent Rs 14,92,503/- on child cancer patients. The number is increasing every month and we need as much help as we can get. Aadhar has also got trademark registration for its name and logo now. So we are indeed moving ahead.
Youth against cancer organized a wonderful party for children on treatment. There was a magician and wall painting done by the kids and the Wall Project group. The children enjoyed themselves and the parents also had some relaxation from their tensions.
The photographs will be uploaded soon.