Thursday, November 20, 2008

Experiences .

I have always felt that as a parent probably it is easier to handle your own suffering rather than see your child suffer even slightly.When I see parents run from pillar to post trying to get treatment for their children its disturbing. It is very disheartening to see people behaving rudely with patients undergoing such stress. I don't spend much time talking to the patients who come to me for the medicines ,but even those few minutes make a lot of difference to them.I have had patients calling me from their home states and asking for advise on health of their other child or what they should do regarding some problems they are facing.
One man here in Delhi with his son used to just come to talk to me as he had no one else here.
I am really thankful to God for giving me this opportunity to be able to give some other person a little peace and relief.
So many times children who have been on help come and meet us at the end of their treatment to say thanks. That's when I realise how much this help was needed. All this help can be done only with the help of donations. So my friends I take this opportunity to say " Om Bhavati Bhikshan Dehi" .Please give us bhiksha generously so we can help as many children as possible get good and timely treatment and look forward to a healthy and happy future.

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